This is the time of year when the air becomes heavy with hope & possibilities. Mothers live with the hope that their children will get tired of running & come to Christ. Fathers live with the hope that the better job is just on the horizon. This is the time of year when our children live with the hope that mother & father will get them just what they want for Christmas.
With the New Year just one calendar page away most of us are living in hope that the New Year will be our year. Ya’ll talk back to me in here. Yes even the man on the street heart becomes a little bit lighter with hope that he will get a permanent home, a permanent job.
For most of us it makes no difference how many trials we have faced up until now, this season of advent, this Christmas season is a season full of possibilities. Even though back in January you got laid off. February you got put out. March you got sick. April you lost your insurance. May your spouse asked for a divorce. June you lost a loved one. July your child ran away.
August your electric got shut off. September your water got shut off. By October you felt like giving up. November you really didn’t care. But for some reason, when the calendar says December, all the things that seemed impossible all of a sudden our hearts become filled with the possibility that the impossible is possible.
When most of us think of the word impossible it strikes us with the feeling of fear, loss, no direction but down, abandon, give up & hopelessness. Webster defines the word impossible as being incapable of occurring, unable to obtain. Yes there are many things in our lives that strike us as impossible, but how many of you know we serve a God of the impossible? You see your inability does not supersede God’s ability. When you feel that your hands are tied, God’s hands are still free. When you feel that you have done all that you can do, God is just getting started. Because He is an impossible God.
It’s impossible for Him to let you fall if you trust Him. PSALM 116:8, “Thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears & my feet from falling. It’s impossible for Him not to forgive you if you repent. 1ST JOHN 1:9, “If you confess your sins, God is faithful to forgive you & cleanse you from all unrighteousness It’s impossible for Him to stop loving you once you are His. ROMANS 8:38, “I am persuaded.” It’s impossible for God to turn you away if you come to Him. JOHN 6:37, “He who comes to me, I will in no wise cast out.He is an impossible God!!!!
Now knowing that all things are possible with God how should we respond? Well real quick & I’m going there are three things God wants from you. Your body (38)Mary said, Lord do with me as you will.Romans 12:1-2. Your soul (v 46) & your spirit (v47).
Live in expectancy this holiday season. For with God all things are possible.
Delight over Distraction: A Conversation with John Piper
In a world of distracted minds and divided hearts, we need the delight that
comes from seeing the real Jesus in God’s living word.
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15 hours ago
Thoughtful post, he will see us through.
GOD is good!!!
I see you reverend,
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