Today God allow me to continue sharing with His people with the second installment of the series "A season of possibilities" entitled a trip to The Great Physician's office" (Mark 5:25-34).
we spent time in the waiting room. Why don’t you come with me as we step into the waiting room of this physician. As you can see, there are no magazines to read, no TV to watch. Everybody that is present in this waiting room is there with a serious need.The lame are here. The blind are here. I see blind Bartamus. The broken heart & down trodden are here.
Don’t you see the ten lepers standing back there in a corner? Look over there you will see a man possed with demons talking to himself. Chil, the woman at the well, her & all five of her husbands just walked in. it’s good to see you Lazarus, Nicodemus. Peter just wheeled his mother-law in. the room is crowded, but guess what, there is a seat saved just for you.
I have a patient’s chart here with me today. I know, I know we are not suppose to read the file of another patient, but if you will allow me to today I want to go against HIPPA. For your benefit & the glory of God I want to break confidentiality today & open one of the case file of the greatest physician. This physician kept better records than any other physician. This physician healed without surgery.
This physician is not concerned about what kind of insurance you have. This physician makes house call.
Every case this physician has ever treated, He treated with the same care, concern & compassion.He is not concern if you have COBRA, Medicaid, medical, blue cross blue shield. There is no co-pay or deductable cause He already paid it all. This physician’s waiting room is never too full there is always room for one more. This physician does not hide the facts surrounding any of His cases from the view of anyone who wants to read it.
All of this physician’s case notes are written for all to see. Right here in the bible. Who is this great physician that has never lost a patient? You might call Him Mary’s baby. Job’s horse pawing in the valley, Ezekiel’s wheel in the middle of a wheel. Paul’s arresting officer. The Hebrew boys fire chief, Daniel’s zookeeper. My Lord & my king, my all in all.
Today we want to focus our attention on just two patients in this waiting room. The first being Jarius’ daughter whom the bible says was laying at the point of death. Look at Jarius, frantically running to Doctor Jesus. Listen at him if you please. Can’t you hear the urgency in his voice? “My daughter lieth at the point of death; I pray thee, come & lay thy hands on her, that she may be healed & she shall live.”
Then we have this woman of our text today. The bible does not name her, it simply says, “A certain woman.” The bible does not give her age but simply says, “A certain woman. It does not list her race, but “A certain woman.” This woman could be you, you or even you. You see all of us are in need of healing for we all have issues of some kind. But if we look a little closes at these two cases you will find that they are totally opposites.
Even thought Jarius & this woman have come to Jesus with an issue, even though they meet in the office of the great physician. Even though they both meet at the feet of Jesus, they are so different. Jarius was a leading Jewish man; she was an anonymous woman with no prestige or resources. Jarius was a leader in the synagogue. Her affliction kept her from the house of prayer. Jarius came pleading for his daughter. This woman came with a need of her own. It’s it good to know that just as you can go to Jesus for someone else you can still call on Him for yourself?
The differences don’t stop there. Jarius’ daughter had been healthy for 12 years, & then died; this woman had been ill for 12 years & was dying. Jarius’ need was public everybody heard what his request of Jesus was. On the other hand this woman’s need was private. They both trusted Jesus. Jesus heeded the plea of Jarius.
He stopped what He was doing & begins to follow Jarius to his house. But alone the way to treat one patient, Jesus' pager went off. It was an emergency call. It was a certain woman. You do know that Jesus will stop whatever He is doing to come see about you. Your case is just as important as my case. If you don’t mind let’s look at three things about this certain woman; her Disease, her Determination & her Deliverance. .
Disease: 25-26:An issue of blood. How long? Twelve years. This disease rendered her unclean in all ways. Sin does the same to us.
Determination: 27-28:She was determined. One she spent all her money on doctors having CAT scans, PET scans, X-Rays, even DOG scans. Just as she was determined then, when she heard about Jesus, she was just as determined to reach Him. How determined are you when it comes to your soul salvation.
Deliverance:29-34: She touched Him and was healed. I wish I had time to real unpack this text but that would take to long. So I will just leave you with this thought. During this season of possibilities The Great Physician has a cure for whatever issue you have. This woman's issue was not the issue, Her faith was.
Husband, Make Her Shine
[image: Husband, Make Her Shine]
My first year of playing Pop Warner (or little league) football was an epic
failure. We didn’t win a single game. But the ...
4 hours ago
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Thanks for sharing!!! Great post
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