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Friday, March 11, 2011

Don't Compromise your view

We live in a world today that seems to call right wrong and wrong right. We live in a world where anything and everything seems to be acceptable. We live in a world where even christians are "going along to get along." Can you say compromise? I don't consider myself to know everything about God, but I do know this, God did not call us out of darkness to compromise with the world around us. We maybe in the world, but if you are a child of God you are not of the world.

If we are to draw people to Christ then we must stop compromising the Gospel when we are in the company of non-believers or even when we are in the company of saints who maybe going down the wrong road. We as christians and especially men/women of God, must have our foot on one side of the line or the other. Compromise bu definition means "a middle course or view between two opposing one."

If we are the children of God and the bride of Christ our view is the view of the gospel not the world. The world says man came from apes. The world says that the world was formed by a 'big bang." But the bible says, "In the beginning God created.." To many in the body of Christ are halted between two opinions. To many are letting the world influnces creep in unaware into their homes and in the church.

Can I illustrate what I mean? How many of you wear glasses raise your hand. When you take your glasses of every thing you look at is distorted am I right? When you put them back on everything you look at becomes clear. Are you with me so far?

Before you came to Christ, your vision was out of focuse and it affected everything you viewed and did. You saw wrong as right and right as wrong. You didn't see anythng wrong with man sleep with a man cause one of them was your favorite cousin. You didn't see nothing wrong with your uncle have some on the side, cause your auntie wasn't acting right any way. you didn't see anything wrong with come to wearing anything, saying anything and giving anything. Why becasue your vision was distorted.

When you put on your glasses one side of the room does not light up more than the other.Somebody say but now..But now that you have had your eyes examined by the Master and He has given you spiritual vision, now that you can see clearly, it ought to affect how you view everything.

Your view of the world around you ought to be the view from the lens of the gospel and it ought to affect EVERY area of your life not what you select. I wear glasses and without them I can't see anything clearly, but when I put them on I can see even the lent in the corner; and it's just as clear as the garbage on the street.

So it is spiritually speaking. As Christians we must view EVERYTHING the same way and not compromise for fear of offending the masses. God called us to be the light not just on Sunday or to a select group, but to the World. God wants us to see every situation through the same lenses. So starting today, put your glasses on and stop taking them off.

In the words of Adrean Monk, "You will thank me later."

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