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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Going back a different way

Today was our last Sunday service of 2010, it was our evangelist service. I attempted to preach an evangelistic message from Matthew 2:7-13 entitled, "Don't go back the same way you came." In this passage Jesus is no longer the baby laying in a manger. He has traded swaddling clothe for training pants. The stable has been traded for a duplex. Joseph has handled his business for coming to Bethlehem.

Now a couple years have gone by and here come the wise men, three, we don't know. Who they are we don't know and it really does not matter. What is important is that they came from afar for one reason, to worship the Christ child. Point one: If when you come to the house of prayer you must have one thing in mind, WORSHIP. There is no way you can come into the presence of God with worship on your mind and then go back the same way.

The fact they inquired as to the whereabouts of the Christ child, the one born the, "King of the Jews" troubled king Herod. This cause him to call for all the scribes and to ask them when and where this child was to be born. Notice the Scribes told them of the prophecy according to the word of God. Point Two: It's one thing to know the word of God but it's a totally different thing to obey it. The scribes had been waiting and watching for the Messiah, now they are just five miles from the Anointed Son of God, but they would not go to see Him.

Many people in the world come to church, know the word of God, how to quote it and tot it, but if you really want to go back a different way, you must be a doer and not just a hearer. Then he called the Magi privily with the same question and with this instruction, after you have found him, come back and let me know so I can come and worship him as well.

If Herod really wanted to worship Jesus, one would think that he would have gone with them and not sent them. Point three: If you really want to go back a different way, you must see Jesus for yourself. It's time to quit living off of grand momma's prayer and go see the Saviour for yourself.

I will stop after I give you these next couple of points. The text says that the wise men, the magi rejoiced with exceeding great joy not at seeing the Christ child, but knowing that they were close. Point Four:It ought to make you joyful to know that you are coming to the house of God. It ought bring joy to your heart to know that as you are driving down the street on Sunday knowing that you are just the much closer to meeting the one who died for your sins. To often God's people come into the sanctuary with their heads hanging low as though they are going to a funeral not to meet with the living God. If you want to go back a different way, there must be some joy in your heart.

So now the wise men come to the house, not the stable, where the Christ child, the toddler is living with His mother. Notice the text mentioned the child before the mother. Last Point: If you want to go back another way, you must put Jesus first in your life. He must come before mother, father, sister or brother,Jesus must come before the bottle, the blunt and the bed. When you put Jesus first, you will not go back the same way. The bible says in 2nd Corinthians 5:17, If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature."

There have been many a soul that have come to Jesus one way, but left another: The woman at the well, The man laid at the gate called beautiful, Paul the persecutor. Blind Bartamaeus. Zacheaus...I came to Jesus just as I was, weary, wounded, and sad!!!!!!!!!!! Now that I have meet Jesus, my life will never be the same!!!

Well lest I go on I just wanted to share with you my conviction on the subject. This coming watch night the text will be Luke 17:32, "Remember Lot's Wife." I will be talking about the danger of looking back. If God will allow me I will talk about her Problem, Her Pride and Her Penalty.

1 comment:

Pastor Rev. Ray E. Owens said...

Sounds like you are ready for the new year,

Keep running,
