Disturb me, O Lord,
When I am too pleased with myself;
When my dreams come true,
Because I have dreamed too little.
When I arrive safely,
Because I sailed too close to the shore.
Disturb me, O Lord, when
With the abundance of things I posse,
I have lost my thirst for the waters of life,
I have ceased to dream of eternity.
And in my efforts to build a new earth,
I have allowed my vision of the new Heaven to dim.
Disturb me, O Lord, to dare more boldly,
To venture on wilder seas where storms will show your mastery where losing sight of land, I shall find the stars.
I ask you to push back the horizons of my hopes, and to push me into the future
In strength, courage, hope and love.
Sir Francis Drake
If No One Seeks God, How Is Anyone Saved?
[image: If No One Seeks God, How Is Anyone Saved?]
If sinners cannot seek God, how does anyone receive salvation? Pastor John
shows that God must give his ...
12 hours ago
Nice Add rev
Disturb me, O Lord, and I will be ever so grateful for your mercy and grace.
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