I believe I would not correct in saying that all of us have fears. Some of you reading this fear snakes, bats, being poor, losing a parent or child. Some of you even fear worms. The list could go on and on am I right?
As I continue reading Dr. Blacks book, "From the hood to the hill." I eavesdropped on a conversation that he had on the plan with a preacher that he admired. In this conversation he asked his role model what did he fear. His response went like this, "I have three fears. One, that my body does not out live my mind. Two, that I don't out live my mourners. Three that I don't drown in shallow water."
It was then that I scratched my scape. Shallow water. Couldn't he swim? Was he handicap? Was he afraid of water? No. No, and No. "After riding out all the storm of life, after surviving all the rough waves that have tried to wash me up, I don't won't to get to the end of this journey and do something stupid and drown in shallow water."
Now I was walking down the street at the time I read this and this statement almost made me walk in front of a car. I had to read it again and again. I closed the book (a car was coming and the light was green). I thought about this as I walked some more. I asked myself what is shallow water.
When you have invested so much time and energy in the halls of academia to become a doctor, lawyer, or Indian chief then one day you get caught with child porn on your computer, that's shallow water. When you have spent years courting and dating her or him and now you are married with beautiful children but you decided to have you some on the side, that's shallow water.
When God has anointed you, called you, appointed you, the people of God have received you and then you do something stupid to tear it down, that's shallow water. I think of so many in the political and entertainment industry that have drowned in shallow water. Yes there are even preacher, pastor who have drowned in shallow water. Will you be one?
The Apostle Paul wrote in 1st Corinthians 9:27, "But I keep under my body and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to other, I myself should be castaway." That word "Castaway", "unapproved, unworthy, worthless, rejected, disqualified." Wouldn't it be sad to preach and watch God bless so many through your ministry but because of foolishness you drown in shallow water?
"Many will say in that day, Lord, Lord..." You know the rest. You may be on the verge or drowning today, but guess what, Jesus Knows CPR!
Don't Drown reverend
This gave me insight
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