Greeting my Brother & Sisters. As you can tell by my last post I have not been in cyberspace for awhile. There is a reason for that. No I am not sick. Yes I am still on the wall. No I don't feel like throwing in towel. Yes I know God is still on the throne. I have been laying before the Lord on a very serious matter concerning the Church.
I am concerned about the spiritual health of the church. When I say the Church & mean the Ekklesia, the "Called out & called in." I am concerned about the individuals that make up the universal body. You do know that you & me the individual are the temple of God, therefore we are the church. I am very moved by what I see taking place in our churches today. Some good and some not so good. So I have asked God what is it that He wants me to do while I am on my current post. His response, Help me, get the church healthy.
So this past Lord's day I set out on a journey with the permission, power & presence of God to help heal the church. On Sunday God allowed me to begin this journey with Mark 8:22-26. It was entitled, "Lord touch me again."
It was from this passage that I launched out. You see every child of God needs a second touch. Not a second touch to save, but a second touch that we might see clearly. Our love grows cold over time. The weight of the world press us down. We sometimes try to emulate or imitate this ministry or that ministry. Even the people we worship with can cause us to have blurred vision.
If one wants to be a healthy church this text suggest two things that must be done. (1) Get Alone with God. Jesus took this blind man outside of city before He touched him. There have been various reasons given as to why the Lord did this, the judgment passed on this city, He didn't want to call attention to Himself. I am of the mind set that if a Christian is to truly be healthy, healed & whole, he/she must get alone with God.
(2) Admit where you are. After Jesus touched this blind man He asked him if he could see. The blind man responded, I can see, but I can't see clearly. (Lord I'm getting happy all over again!!) There are many in the body of Christ that can partially see, but they can't see clearly. but the problem in they won't admit it.
If they could see clearly then they would know that a position is function not a badge of honor. If one could see clearly then they would see the need of the community around them! Lord Touch me again!!!! If one wants to be a healthy christian then a second touch is needed.
It was after this man was alone with God, it was after this man Admit to God, it was then and only then was his sight restored & he saw CLEARLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lord touch me again!!!!! (watch your voice son!!)
Notice after God restored this man's sight, Jesus told him to go home. If the Church is to be healed, it must begin at home. Not me trying to figure out what is happening at your Church or you trying to figure out what is happening at mine, but each of us must start at home.
You see to many of us have been thinking that our house is in order when it's not. If you start at home you will realize that the problem is not with the universal body of the Church, but it is with the individuals who make up that body. Home is the place to start. You see if you get another touch from the Lord & I get another touch from the Lord then the church will get healthy one stone at a time. Well I done got my my shout on again and now I got to go, I hear the Lord calling with another assignment.
Husband, Make Her Shine
[image: Husband, Make Her Shine]
My first year of playing Pop Warner (or little league) football was an epic
failure. We didn’t win a single game. But the ...
18 hours ago
Rev. Lewis, you are becoming a fire hazard in South Bend. The Fire Marshall will be by soon to talk with you. Keep at it Rev.
Stay on the wall my brother! The Rock is solid. Stay the course!
Theres power in the name.
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